Using the Mozio Travel Agent tool dashboard is quite easy.
Once you have logged in, simply click your Avatar and you will select from the dropdown the option
"My Bookings". By doing so, you will be redirected to your dashboard.
The first part of the dashboard will show you your booked trips and your past trips if you have them. You will be able to download a report either by booking date or travel date, for the period of time you need.
Under "My Information" section, you will find your personal information (name, email, language and phone number), including the currency in which your account has been configured.
In the "Account/Agent Profile" section, you will find the name of the company you registered under, the "TAX ID" field (only required for USA Travel Agents), and the booking fee you would like to set for your account. Note that this can be an absolute amount (for instance, 10 USD per booking) or a percentage (for instance, 10% of the value of each reservation).
Under Manage Profiles/Customer Profiles, you will be able to save the personal information of your frequent travelers and the next time you book a ride for them, the information will be automatically populated and save you some time.
In the "Payment Settings" section, you will find the Paypal account to which your commissions will be withdrawn.
Under "Sales Balance", you will see all the bookings for which you have earned commission. You can simply click on "Withdraw", and your commissions will be sent to your Paypal account. Note every transaction will be reflected in your "Withdrawal History".
Last, but not least, you can always click on "Change Password" in order to update it to a more secure one.